Monday, July 21, 2008

Worn Down

There comes a time when we realize how tired and worn down we really are. When a simple weekend just never seems like enough because you have so much you want to do but by the time Sunday night comes around, you realize you accomplished nothing.
We all get worn down once in a while, and it is at that point we need to step back and refocus ourselves. When things get to be too much, walking out should not be the answer, but sometimes there seems to be no other option. What do we do then? Take a deep breath? Some how that does not seem like enough at times. We in turn can look to those around us that we trust to give us additional guidance. The support of friends and family can go a long way as we have all discovered from time to time. So do not underestimate their willingness to be there.
What do we do when we don't get anything accomplished?? Having a screaming fit always sounds like a nice solution. Scream at the people that prohibit you from doing your job, that create more work for you because they don't hold up their end of the bargin. Scream at your roommate, your family, or the people driving really slow on the freeway. All of these sound like amazing releases of frustration but what would that really solve? Unfortunately not much because if we screamed at everyone every time we felt like it, we would all be commited to an insane asylum and would be dosed up on meds for our excurciating headaches.
So what is the solution? Is it to just relax and take it easy? I guess there is no real solution that will solve all of these problems at once. Maybe the real solution is to do it in moderation, some yelling, screaming, crying, and relaxing. It's finding the balance or happy medium that keeps us sane enough to go on about our daily lives.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lets be open for guidance, love, and suprises.

As the summer grows old, we look back to the start to evaluate what we have accomplished so far. What have you done this summer, have to rekindled a passion, found a new love, discovered an untold treasure, or reunited with someone from your past? The things that make us look forward to summer can be the smallest, most insignificant, or even the most random things.

The other day I went to my Alma Mater to watch my girls play in summer league. Taking that first step into the gym memories of all the years I spent in there came back. It made me remember how we used to look forward to summer so we could practice and look forward to season. As I watched them play and listened to them, I wondered if they experienced the same feelings. During their games, it was obvious who had the passion, who had the talent, and who was their because of their egos, not just on one team either. Watching them play made we want to find a way to make things work so I could help them. There's nothing more then teaching a team how to do something and watching them progress, however, it is also true that watching them digress and forget everything is as equally frustrating. It of course is more frustrating when they deny that they either ever learned the skills, or when they think they can do it on their own.

To one friend in particular this summer, he has found a new love. The glow that it gives him is almost infectious. We all reminisce from time to time on the feeling of what it was like when love was so new. I wish him the best of luck in love because it seems as though, love is hard to find for all my guy friends. Girls, why is that?? We want love, and they want love...but we can never seem to match up right. We hate them because they "break our hearts" or they did something "stupid". They don't like us because we are "emotional and dramatic".

"How treasure can one cavern hold?" How many surprises can one meeting or one opportunity hold? The amount is endless as long as we keep our minds and hearts open to the possibilities. Who knew that one person could help you meet hundreds more? You wouldn't know until you actually gave them a chance. So why is it that today we are so unwilling to give others the opportunity to change our world? Is it that we are now programmed to be suspicious? Who knows, but I urge us all to be more open for the rest of the summer because I'm tired of being shut down and watching others get shut down.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Opporunities Come Knocking

When opportunities come and go, we look at the advantages and disadvantages that come with said opportunities. A year ago I would have jumped at the chance to be acknowledge for the contributions I have made over the years to my Alma mater's volleyball program; however, now I'm not so eager.

When I tried to get my job working as a coach for the new season and a new coach last season, I was essentially shut down, ignored, and dismissed. Now that there is a lack of people willing to coach for this head coach, he comes to me asking if I still wish to help. I have seen what this man has done to very respectable programs in the space of one season. Would I be willing to put my reputation as a coach on the line to rediscover a passion? It is hard to say. While weighting the positives and negatives, I must also take into consideration the obligations I now have. If things were different, the decision wouldn't be so hard.

Now here's the question I would pose to any readers of this blog, What makes one opportunity work sacrificing a sure and well paying job for one that is your passion? Being young and naive I once thought that no matter what one should go after their dreams and passions, if one job does not make you happy, find another. However, I can see that it is not so simple as that. (Then again, when are things as simple as one thinks it should be?)