Friday, August 29, 2008

Back to School, Makes You Look Like a Fool.

As school once again starts back up, we get to see our friends and classmates on a semi-regular basis. It is now that I am once again able to appreciate school and all the opportunities it brings. I'm not just talking about gaining new knowledge or seeing best friends again, but the chance to escape a job, problems, or just escape the annoying people traveling around you.

My first week was great, I saw some great people that I haven't seen in months, another I saw a few weeks ago, and one of my co-workers! It's funny though how some of my friends have noticed somethings that haven't really presented themselves at CSUN in such a large number before. What I'm talking about is 1. Stupidity of people and 2. the increasing size of the average student. While we all complain about the Freshman in our Junior level class or the person we SWEAR is still in high school, there are more students that really just don't pay attention to the obvious signs. Yes, I'm talking about you, the girl in the green dress that tries to hit on the guy in the white pants who has his eyes glued to the boy next to him. Don't think I forgot you, Miss I've Taken this Class Before But Have No Clue About the Human Condition. Everywhere we look we are followed and stalked by these people that have no clue about the reality of the world going on around them, and never are we given a break from their meaningless chatter and annoying questions. When is enough enough we must ask ourselves! We need to stand up in a mass army and herd these people into some sort of college where they drive each other nuts and leave the rest of us alone. Okay, maybe that was a little extreme, but lets be honest with ourselves now, it's not like you haven't thought of it yourself.

Onto my next point. I've had and have overheard several discussions about the increasing size in the CSUN student. While school can be a great workout of the mind in the class and the body while huffing it up stairs and across campus, it clear that this summer has screwed up the progress that the school can do for one's physical condition. While, I have nothing wrong with a person with "much to love" it is difficult to not be annoyed when the person next to you is trying to share some space on your chair. One conversation jokingly said "I blame the economy on the fat people". While please keep in mind that was by people joking around, it can hurt when over heard, but it can also hurt to be sat on or displaced by someone that is not suppose to be sharing your seat. One a more serious point, it is very concerning that the waist line is increasing because of the possible health issues that can arise from these problems. How do we help each other gain a better awareness? While, I don't encourage passing around magazines with size triple zero models, one aspect that could be encouraged is a positive body image where one is happy with their image and takes steps to ensure they are healthy in all aspects of their life.

On a lighter note, if you are a lover of gossip, be careful what you gossip about my friend for it can lead to an impression that can push one's buttons a little harder then one would wish. Where does frustration with one's surroundings suddenly become a dark depression that one is having trouble getting a "leg up" on? It's nice when the conditions and situations in a work environment become so frustrating that it becomes unnecessarily stressful; and when confronted by a co-worker, though thoroughly explained, one is darkly depressed and is in need of learning to re-program their brain to be happy. Yep. That's me. Deeply Depressed...or would it be extremely frustrated???? hmmm....apparently its all the same these days.

Any-who. Have a safe and happy 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


A few weeks ago, pretty much everyone in the valley felt the aftershocks of the earthquake, a few days ago, an earthquake of another kind found an epicenter in my apartment at 2 am. Since then, things haven't been quite the same.

As you all know, when you fight with your friends or family, things don't go back to the same right away. It's almost been a week now, and instead of trying to find our footing again, we are becoming divided. This is your life and this is mine, with no blending or meshing in sight. Even when we are home, sometimes it just feels like we are at a roadside rest stop marking our presence for only a moment in time. There is no more time for words, shared meals, or even watching tv together. You'd rather be way over there, when I am right here. I've tried reaching out and trying to make the first step to a truce, but really....I can see that it's really all for nothing.

What am I doing? Well I'm just bitching right now because I can't say these words to your face because your never home and you probably won't even read this.

....I hope all of your summers are going well as the last few weeks come to a close.