Oh man, this has been a long week. I went to Chicago for a few days. Nothing like getting out of town and visiting some friends. Luck however was not on my side...some of you may laugh and i would be right there with you if it wasn't me, but the trip started off with me falling off the train. Yep. Not a good start. A few other bumps along the way, which was rather unfortunate.

But we ended up going to the Renn Faire in Bristol. There were a few interesting things there. This Faerie for one. It's interesting, last year, this faerie was there along with a blue one. The blue seemed to repel everyone, not just because of the coldness of her color but also the way she acted towards everyone. But the Autumn faerie seems to attract people to her, because of her warm colors or even warmer personality? I think it was both. Sitting there watching her interact with children for the past two years makes it clear that some people have it, when others just don't. Either you are a warm person or a cold one, what determines which you will be depends on how you carry yourself and interact with others.
Then we get to Bo Peep and her Sheep...curious? I'd say so. We were at the faire for maybe 5 minutes before we s

potted a group of teens dressed up in interesting outfits. How the boys allowed these girls to convince them it was the cool thing to do is still up in the air. Clearly Ms. Bo Peep-ie. miss pink- was the ring leader. The funny thing was they couldn't really understand why people were looking at them weird or making fun of them...Now people, some faire go-ers dress up like Pirates with real parrots, Demons, Wenches, Peasants, and other assortments, but these people understand depending on their costumes, they are likely to get stares or asked to have their picture taken. Apparently not the case, though some people were a little harsh, it's like, what do you expect when you leave the house with out looking in the mirror and go to the wrong type of gathering?? I guess that's what you get sometimes, at least it's free entertainment.

Anyways, I got cats!!!! The one on the left is Kibbles and the one on the Right is Bits. Mind you that is what I'm calling them for now. As much as I like the names, I keep getting laughed at...but I don't care. They both have separate personalities but they are hilarious! They keep tackling each other and pouncing. However, some of their personality traits are not so amusing.
On an off handed note, I've never realized how many people are allergic to cats. Don't worry, if you have cat allergies, I'm stocking up on Benadrill!! I just had to share the excitement!!! yipee!!! Anyways, time to get down to business and do homework =[
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