Though I'm not a very spiritual or religious person, some conversations make me believe that some people have guardian angels or someone looking out for them. Recently a family member of one of my mom's co-workers got in a horrific accident that could have taken many lives. This woman blacked out (how or why, yet to be determined), drove into a gas station, hit a gas pump and her car lit on fire. Even though she was trapped in her car for about 3 minutes, she came out without a single burn on her body, though her shoes and purse were completely charred. On any other day there would have been bikers taking their normal route and possibly someone at that gas pump. Luckily, that day was different and because of it, everyone came out relatively okay. It is amazing that she came out alive and yet even more amazing that she is physically unharmed. Yet another family friend has had tragedy strike his family and had an almost near death experience himself this year. He has done the unthinkable, stayed strong, and stood by and lent aid to someone who could have caused his death due to her distraught emotional state to carry on his son's legacy. Things like this makes me realize that we have someone looking out for us from time to time or even that we have another purpose that has yet to be fulfilled. They even make me have faith that there are good and strong people out there that will remain optimistic
In times like this last week where wildfires are rapidly spreading, numerous properties are in danger, and the economy on extremely shaky ground, we need to be thankful for what we have and if you will, what we are blessed with. Whether you are religious or not, thankfulness, gratefulness, and understanding are valuable qualities and assets to hold onto when the safety and security of more physical assets are in danger. Lets be thankful for what we have today because we never know when it might be taken from us.
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