Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Patterns, Symbols, and Motifs

Narrative theory. Who thought there was this much to say about simply writing a story. Though, in all honestly, it's not really about narrative theory, more rather of a deconstruction version of looking at literature....once again.

As we go over the misreading of signs, it becomes clear once again, that when not thinking clearly, or for one's self, one can be lead astray. At the point where they realize they are off track, one must once again find their way back onto their own path.

This applies to many things right? Discovery of one's future, purpose, or being is a journey in which we are often lead astray by many things that distract us along the way. Am I going off course by finishing my college life at this stage? For a over simplified explanation that is simply, I am tired of school and there is no reason to continue school at this stage when I'm not even sure what I want to do. I suppose some of the theory examined today would suggest I am getting off track and need to once again discover where I am in relation to who I am and what/where I want to be.

How many times do we get off track from our real purpose or goals? I'm sure more then we ourselves would realize.

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